About Us
Our ministry first began in 2000, when our Executive Director, Sue Marshall, traveled to Russia and saw first-hand the needs of orphans in Russia. Sue began developing relationships with orphanage directors and staff in Russia. Through the years, the Lord used her, expanded her deep love for Russia and orphans, and placed people in her path who could help advance the ministry. Local volunteers were recruited and equipped to work with the orphanage staff and children. Fory Charitable Trust was created in 2008 to carry on the legacy of Wilma Fory’s support of our work with orphans in Russia.
A New Name – Same Organization
Throughout the years, people have asked “What is Fory Charitable Trust and what does it do?” Simply, our name did not speak to what we did. To address these questions, the Advisory Board voted to change our public-facing name to Fory Orphan Care. We are the same organization with the same team of people dedicated to our mission – to improve the lives of orphans in Russia
Mission Statement
The mission of Fory Orphan Care is to improve the lives of Fory orphans in obedience to our faith. James 1:27
We achieve our mission by:
- Ministering to children who have been orphaned or are at-risk of being orphaned.
- Equipping individuals to minister to orphans through mission trips, volunteering and giving opportunities.
- Training and equipping local volunteers to serve as mentors, teaching social and life skills.
- Providing humanitarian aid and support for programs and building improvements.
- Fostering programs that care for the mental, physical, and spiritual needs of orphans.
- Exhibiting God’s special love for orphans through the work we do.
Advisory Board
Sue Marshall, Executive Director
Denise Allen
Daniel Bercaw
Lauren Boyles
Stephen Huzar
Sophya Tabrovsky
David Davidson, Honorary Member
Marina Gibbs, Honorary Member

We want to hear from you!
P.O.Box 926398, Houston, TX 77292 smarshall@forytrust.org
Mobile: 713.305.6518
Fory Charitable Trust d/b/a Fory Orphan Care is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization.